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No Anesthesia. No Drilling. No Headaches for Parents.

Meet the Minimally-Invasive Ways to Treat Cavities in Kids

You do everything you can to make sure you kiddos brush their teeth, but as we all know, sometimes that so much easier said than done. Sometimes they develop cavities, and we’re here to tell you that’s OK. The earlier we detect decay, the more likely we can stop it from spreading. We believe in being as minimally invasive as possible because kids don’t want to be in pain while sitting in the dental chair. In our practice, we can treat primary teeth without scary injections or unnecessary suffering. We’re the only dental office in the area to offer these revolutionary treatments. 

What’s Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)?

One way we can fight back against tooth decay in kids is by using SDF, an antimicrobial liquid that can stop deterioration and tooth sensitivity. The substance is easily painted on decaying teeth and treatment takes only 2 minutes. 

Treatment with SDF may vary depending on each child and their needs. However, this is an excellent option for kids who are less than thrilled about dental work or for cavities that are present but aren’t quite big enough to tolerate a traditional filling. 

The SMART Way to Get Rid of Cavities

SMART stands for Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Treatment, which is just a clinical way of saying its a quick, pain-free option for treating cavities in kids. We use silver compounds, a natural antimicrobial with glass ionomer cement, and BPA-free filling material for aesthetic, durable results. This is the perfect cavity solution for young, anxious children who are opposed to:

– Shots

– Drilling

– Sedation

– General Anesthesia

What’s the Hall Technique?

If your little one develops a cavity in one of their primary molars, we can seal decay under a safe, stainless steel crown. It’s quick, and we don’t have to fire up the drill or rely on any anesthesia. We’ve found that even kids who are a little nervous about having dental work do well with this technique.

Everything we do for you and your family is based on extensive research, and backed by years of experience in the pediatric dental community. Your child is always in good hands.

(RESOURCES: Here’s more helpful information about SMART treatment courtesy of Affiliated Children’s Dental Specialists of Glendale, AZ.)

Schedule a hassle-free visit for your child today to learn more!