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Did You Know May is Better Hearing and Speech Month?

added on: May 17, 2021
child and mom brushing teeth

Your friends at My Rivertown Dentist in Madison thought we’d share this information with you to help spread awareness about Better Hearing and Speech Month and the related health issues. In some cases, there are speech and hearing problems that cannot be reversed. However, did you know that poor speech has been linked to poor oral health?

Let us show you how dental health is related to how your little one speaks.

A Bite That’s Off and Teeth That Fall Out

Malocclusion or misaligned teeth can definitely affect the way your child speaks. Besides that, a bite that’s off can lead to more significant dental problems if left untreated. We need to also talk about premature tooth loss of your child’s precious baby teeth. If this happens to early, it can lead to a speech impediment that might need further treatment from a licensed occupational or speech therapist in Madison.

We Have a Solution You Need to Know About

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Lee, we can help facilitate your kiddo’s proper development and avoid speech issues to get them fitted with a DNA or Vivos appliance. It might sound a little intimidating, but this cool device is custom-fitted for comfort that relies on your body’s natural ability to self correct growing issues. There’s worry about surgery for anyone!

How does it work such smile magic? The appliance is specially designed to gently, yet permanently widen and reshape the upper arch. When movement is complete, your child’s airway will be more open, allowing their lower jaw to gently push forward. The end result is better breathing, especially at night during sleep, and less worry about orthodontic issues that are commonly associated with speech impediments.

With research and solutions backed by The Institute for Craniofacial Medicine, we can see beyond routine smile care for your child and possibly change their lives for the better. How is this even possible? By using a special oral device designed by Vivos Therapeutics, we can provide a solution for you and your family that’s hard to find at any other dental office in Madison.

Let us ensure your little one is going to grow up without a speech issue that can be damaging to their self esteem at any age. Talk to us today about setting up a consultation with Dr. Lee to learn more.