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Love Sleep Again: The My Rivertown Dentist Way

added on: May 5, 2022
SleepImage ring

It might seem strange to see the team at My Rivertown Dentist to help with your sleep issues, but it actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Ashley Lee, you’ll see that she’s specially trained to look at more than just your teeth. Sure, we care about keeping your smile healthy and your oral health in top shape at our Madison dental office, but there’s so much more than what we provide to you and your family.

We’re about total wellness support, including getting a good night’s sleep and stopping snoring. We’re also about using the latest technology to help you make the right choices and more informed decisions about your oral and overall health. This is why we want to introduce you and your family to something truly unique to My Rivertown Dentist, The SleepImage Ring.

What is the SleepImage Ring?

Over the last few years, Dr. Lee and the team at My Rivertown Dentist have been partnering with Vivos Therapeutics, which says that more than one billion people worldwide and 54 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The scary part is, out of all of these cases, 80 percent of them go undiagnosed. Why? Because adults and kids who have sleep apnea symptoms don’t get the help they need because they don’t want to deal with having a sleep study. Let’s face it: who wants the inconvenience of staying overnight in a place you don’t know, hooked up to machines all night long?

This is where our dental office in Madison is ahead of the game with the SleepImage Ring technology. The comfortable smart ring is simply worn overnight on your finger in the comfort of your bed. The ring can help diagnose OSA with 98.9 percent accuracy compared to overnight sleep studies or polysomnogram results. It also features an integrated app for added simplicity and ease of use compared to other at-home sleep tests.

Why is it Important to Diagnose Sleep Apnea?

People often overlook sleep apnea and think it’s something just as simple as snoring, but there’s so much more to it. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can increase your risk of other health issues that can include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia

Even more life-threatening diseases can also be linked to sleep apnea. It’s time you talked to Dr. Lee about your options, especially if your or your kiddo is struggling with snoring or breathing problems.

Everything we do, every recommendation we make, is based on expert research and findings from The Institute for Craniofacial Medicine. We are proud to say that we’re the only Madison dentist where you can find this information and in-depth dedication to your total wellness. Are you ready to learn more about our innovative SleepImage Ring technology? There’s a solution for everyone that won’t drain your bank account and doesn’t require unnecessary or unwanted surgery. Learn more courtesy of Dr. Lee and the team at My Rivertown Dentist. Schedule a stress-free consultation today!